Drylands zones are limited by soil moisture, the result of low rainfall and high evaporation, and show a gradient of increasing primary productivity, ranging from hyper-arid, arid, and semiarid to dry subhumid areas.
(Milennium ecossystem, 2005).

INLD Meeting in SIL Congress, 2024

Galapagos' aquatic ecosystems a hotspot of climate change?

Arch lagoon in the Namib Desert, Africa

INLD Meeting in SIL Congress, 2024

Advances in limnological research in Earth's drylands, the main role of INLD
Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development
Last publications to date
INLD Working group

The INLD Network and SIL Working Group Limnology of Drylands was discussed for the first time during the I Symposium of Brazilian Semiarid Limnology, held in Areia (Paraíba state, Brazil) in 2016, by the Luciana Barbosa initiative. Among the main objectives, to encourage cooperation among multidisciplinary researchers interested in investigating environmental issues in aquatic ecosystems in the world's drylands. Among the main perspectives, the effects of climate change and human stressors.
See: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20442041.2020.1728179
Since the Convention on Wetlands, signed in 1971 in Ramsar (Iran), the conservation and sustainable use of temporary waters has been attracting attention by mean of national actions and international cooperation. Environmental changes, driven either by natural or anthropogenic disturbances, have been threating the biodiversity of innumerable intermittent and ephemeral aquatic systems around the world such as swamps, rock pools, wetland ponds, lakes, reservoirs, streams, rivers, saltwater ponds, estuaries, and shallow coastal waters in drylands.
The proposed International Network on Limnology of Drylands is to be a network engaged in promoting the construction of macro-scale projects designed to obtain an understanding of the functioning and conservation patterns of aquatic ecosystems in international dry regions through the multidisciplinary integration of research, research groups and researchers of such regions.​
INLD was made official in 2016 through the International Society of Limnology. Its objectives are to (1) assess the current state of biological diversity in dryland aquatic ecosystems, (2) evaluate the multiple environmental stressors acting in drylands, and (3) develop models to predict effects of global change on drylands. This special issue, Limnology of Drylands, consists of 10 manuscripts focused on the effects of environmental pressures, including global warming, on the biodiversity and
distribution of aquatic communities in drylands (Barbosa et al. 2020).
Who we are?
Members are researchers associated with the INLD and committed to its development and to the scientific research associated with the network.
The role of the members is to participate in and co-manage local experiments and research activities within the scope of the INLD's objectives, to contribute with global protocols and reference areas, and to participate in projects and co-productions.
Our aim is to promote large-scale, multidisciplinary projects based on international cooperation and the conservation of temporary and permanent aquatic ecosystems in drylands.
Currently, INLD is working on the implementation of the reference areas and a global protocol.
The INLD was discussed for the first time during the Symposium of Brazilian Semiarid Limnology, held in Areia (Paraíba state, Brazil) in 2016.
Past meetings:
- Limnology of Drylands working group in the SIL Congress​ 2024: https://sil2024.org/
- Special Session in SIL Congress 2024: Ecology of temporary ecosystems
- Special Session in Shallow lakes Conference: Ecology of temporary ecosystems
-Limnology of Drylands working group in the SIL Congress​ 2020: http://sil2020.org/
- Limnology of Drylands working group in the SIL Congress​ 2018: Nanging, China