Executive committee
The proposed International Network on Limnology of Drylands promotes the development of macro-scale projects designed to understand aquatic ecosystems' functioning and distribution patterns in international dry regions through a multidisciplinary perspective.
The role of the Chair and Executive Committee
The Mission is to promote integration among collaborators of the various associated countries and institutions.
To promote the integration of staff from different associated countries and institutions.
Hold regular live meetings and seek to include the network in recognised international events through special sessions, workshops and similar activities.
Dr Luciana Gomes Barbosa is a PhD in Ecology and an associate professor of Aquatic Ecology at Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil. She is the founder and Chairperson of the International Network on Limnology of Drylands (INLD). Her main research interest concentrates on the effects of drought and multiple stressors such as salinity and eutrophication on the resilience of the drylands systems and aquatic communities. Thus, the main interest overlaps with the main aims of the INLD, in searching for patterns and main factors that drive the structure of biological communities in dryland ecosystems.

Dr. Carlos Lopez is a researcher with special interest in the taxonomy and ecology of zooplankton in inland waters, specifically addressing populations, assemblages, and ecological interactions where predation and the quantity and quality of food are analyzed as modulating factors. At present, he is trying to incorporate molecular tools into his taxonomic projects and considering latency stages of zooplankton, lagoons, wetlands, and other shallow and temporal bodies of water in his taxonomic and ecological studies in Ecuador.