Executive committee: young limnologists
The proposed International Network on Limnology of Drylands is to promote engaging the young limnologists in the construction of macro-scale projects designed to obtain an understanding of the functioning and conservation patterns of aquatic ecosystems in international dry regions through the multidisciplinary integration of research, research groups and researchers of such regions.
The role of the Chair and Executive Committee
The Mission to promote integration among young collaborators of the various associated countries and institutions.
Articulating local and international development bodies to obtain financing for network-associated projects.
Holding live meetings periodically and seeking to insert the network in recognized international events by means of special sessions, workshops and similar activities
Executive Committee: young limnologists
Cihelio Alves Amorim (Email: alvescihelio@gmail.com): Brazil
Jorge Laço Portinho (Email: jorgeportinho@gmail.com): Brazil
Mihir Kulkarni (Email: mihircoolkarni@gmail.com): India
Luciana Gomes Barbosa
Professor in Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil
Email: lgomesbarbosa@gmail.com
Skype: luciana Barbosa